


Rules’s reminder: – this event is happening twice on tuesday and thursday every two week!

Joe will send out up to 20 waves of bandits to attack all the members in the alliance. The more waves you defend against successfully, the better rewards you will receive

On wave 7, 14 and 17, only online members will be attacked; On wave 10 & 20, the bandit will only target Alliance HQ. It’s wise to make the strongest player be the rally leader.


  • objective : defend against 20 waves from Joe’s troops (AI), either target all members, online members, or your HQ (Toundra HQ in priority)
  • When defending, killing >50% of enemy troops -> successful defence
  • The points you win on your city depends ONLY of the % of the joe’s troop killing.-> if you do 100% of kills you will get 100% of the points. What about your allies ? They do not steal your points, these points from them are “created” meaning they also gain some ‘bonus’ points. (see for strategy about this)
  • Two defeats means you won’t be attack by remaining waves (though you still can gain some points as shown above)
  • The event can be launched (manually or automatically set by r5/r4) twice, on Tuesday and Thursday, both giving rewards !
  • Shields don’t work during the event
  • Participants won’t lose resources if they are defeated

Strategy for every player:

  • Make sure to check who Joe’s troops are targeting, especially when it targets your HQ (wave 10 and 20 for my last Joe event)
  • Spend all your troops training boost (if you don’t plan to keep them for an event) to maximise your rank before the event !
  • Heal your troops every waves to maximise your defence !
  • When you have lost the event, meaning you’ve burned twice. Then reinforce your allies ! Either the strongest ones who are okay to share some points, either the ones who are close to loose !

Anyway reinforce the ones who didn’t loose yet. MAKE SURE to check the continuation of this guide below !

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