November Developer Feedback

December 24, 2024

November Developer Feedback

Welcome to the Developer Q&A! We are constantly working to improve the game and bring you a better experience. In this session, we’ll discuss some of the recent hot topics in the community and share our solutions. 

Q: When you buy Chief Stamina with gems, it is directly added to your stamina. Can we change it so it can be stored in the backpack?
A: Thank you for your feedback. We highly value our Chiefs’ gaming experience. In future updates, we will add stamina items to the gem shop, allowing you to stock up and use them as needed during events.

Q: When being scouted or attacked, the screen turns red. Can we differentiate between the two?
A: Thank you for your valuable suggestion! In future updates, we will differentiate the screen prompts’ colors for scouts and attacks.

Q: Our State is almost 1.5 years old, and there are many States in our transfer group. However, due to the 90-day migration restriction, we can’t transfer to our preferred State within this group.
A: We’re aware of this issue and will consider optimizing it in future updates based on the State’s progress. Please stay tuned!

Q: Once the State name is confirmed, it cannot be changed. This is quite inconvenient for a President.
A: We will optimize this in a recent update, allowing Presidents to rename the State once for free.

Thank you for your awesome feedback! We look forward to hearing more from our loyal players!
Disclaimer: The feedback and solutions provided here are not final and are subject to change.

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