July Developer Feedback

July 21, 2024

July Developer Feedback

It has been a while since our last developer feedback session. Today, we would like to respond to your questions and suggestions in the community.

Q : For State Transfer, my character cannot be over 45 days older than the target State. This has greatly restricted my options, and I hope this limit can be extended.
A : We have received quite a lot of similar feedback regarding this issue and we plan to extend the limit to 90 days.

Q : How can I acquire previously released castle skins?
A : We will gradually add new methods to obtain previously released skins for all players. Please stay tuned.

Q : It will be easier to distinguish the turrets if they are named after their positions/locations.
A : Thanks for your suggestion! We plan to optimize the turret names in the upcoming update.

Q : It’s great that the rewards in Fortress Battle have increased and are more attractive! However, capturing the fortress in the later stages has become too easy. I hope the battle can be made more challenging.
A : Your feedback is much appreciated! We intend to increase the difficulty of attacking the fortress in the upcoming update to improve your experience in Fortress Battle.

Q : As an Alliance Officer, I wish I could check the members’ participation status in Foundry Battle and Canyon Clash.
A : Your suggestion is crucial for the management of Alliance battles. We plan to introduce the Attendance Log feature to record members’ participation in the upcoming update.

Q : Now that I’ve finished chopping down all the trees on my island, I need new basic decorations to spruce up my island.
A : We’re glad that you like the island feature! We will introduce new basic decorations in future updates. Please stay tuned!

Q : There are times where I have mistakenly purchased max-level heroes, exclusive weapons, and island materials. Please add a max-level item reminder so that I won’t waste my resources.
A : This is a brilliant suggestion. We will introduce this reminder in future updates.

Q : Please add a “Claim All” button for Ally Treasure in pet adventure.
A : Your suggestion is great! We will add this feature in future updates.

Q : When Auto Hunting is enabled, it is very time-consuming to attack beasts that are too far away. Please add a distance limit to this feature.
A : Your suggestion is great! We will introduce this feature in future updates.

Q : As a Supreme President, I hope there is an option that only allows auto-approval for minister applications from players within my State.
A : Thank you for your suggestion. We will consider implementing it in one of the future updates.

Q : Please add emotes like rock, paper, and scissors to make chatting more fun.
A : Thank you for your suggestion. We will give it serious consideration.

Thank you for your awesome feedback! We look forward to hearing more from our loyal players!

Disclaimer: The feedback and solutions provided here are not final and are subject to change.

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