Rarity rarity_img Legendary
Class class_img Marksmen
Sub Class sub_class_img Combat
Attack 12513
Def 10300
Health 77255
Attack 940.75%
Defense 940.75%



How else should survivors interpret Xura's strange mask, unusual clothing, and odd accent except that he comes from a distant kingdom, far from the present-day Tundra? If only some well-versed explorer could explain which one! Enquiring minds want to know—Xura remains tight-lipped about his origins.
Of course, the short traveler is welcome everywhere anyway. Xura has tried to emulate the language of the Tundra and mount the seemingly insurmountable cultural differences between his own way of thinking and the locals' as best he can. Added to this is Xura's ever-friendly attitude and, most importantly, the extraordinary herbal remedies with which he has cured many survivors to the bafflement of city physicians.

Where did Xura get his herbs? Most of the plants have never been seen on the Tundra, nor can grow there, adding further fuel to the rumors that Xura hails from a place utterly different to the frigid hellscape stretching from horizon to horizon. More curious still is Xura's thirst for knowledge about anything and everything to do with the Tundra, its people, flora, and fauna. His special rapport with local animals has often been remarked upon, as well as a strange willingness to test the medicinal properties of random plants—he often eats them on the spot.

Certain researchers from the Dawn Alliance on a mission to uncover Xura's origins have traced the symbols in his journal to a long-lost tribe known as the "Windbreakers". Xura's mask appears to be shamanistic, indicating a spiritual role around the "Gaia Spirit" in addition to his medical responsibilities.
Surviving records of the Windbreakers are scarce, but paint a picture of a tribe on the verge of extinction even before the Great Chill. Xura's arrival has at least settled the debate on whether the Windbreakers survived. It also points the way to several promising possibilities.

Long before the world experienced a calamitous chill, the Windbreakers under the foresight of their witch-doctors migrated to a vast underground cave system anchored by the "Great Tree".
The Windbreakers found new sources of heat and sustenance even without the warming rays of the sun, especially from the tree's strange roots, and adapted to their new subterranean life. As fate would have it, their odd choice of dwelling sheltered the tribe from the worst of the Great Chill.\nYet Elders say the life force of the Great Tree is fading. And only a legendary Fire Crystal can provide revitalizing nourishment. Xura may only be a recent initiate, but on his shoulders now falls the burden of wandering a strange land to save his people.

Stars | Tiers Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 Total
1 1 2 2 2 2 20
5 5 5 5 5 15 40
15 15 15 15 15 40 115
40 40 40 40 40 100 300
100 100 100 100 100 100 600
  • Hall of Chiefs
  • King of Icefield
  • State of Power
  • Daily Deals
Life Dance

Xura summons divine aid by dance invocation, healing all friendly heroes’ health equal to Attack*20/40/60/80/100% per second while reducing their damage taken by 30% for 3 seconds. Xura is immune to control effects throughout.


Xura infects the target with a deadly spore, dealing Attack*100/110/120/130/140% damage each time the target attacks, lasts for 3s.

Numbing Dart

A blow dart lotion increases Xura's Attack by 4/6/8/10/12% with a 20% chance per dart of immobilizing the target for 1 second.

Fungal Fog

Xura releases an underground fungi that quickly multiplies to block enemy vision, reducing damage dealt to friendly troops by 4/8/12/16/20%.

Piercing Arrow

Being able to identify the weak spots in the enemy's armor, Xura's Marksmen deal 20/40/60/80/100% additional damage every 2 strikes and make their target take 5/10/15/20/25% more damage for 1 turn.


Xura's unorthodox tactics are quite disruptive, increasing Marksmen’s damage dealt by 3/6/9/12/15% while reducing their damage taken by 2/4/6/8/10%.

Attack 2533
Def 2088
Health 15659
Lethality 232%
Health 232%
Witch Mask

War Cry

Xura exhorts the highest Attack ally with a tribal war dance, increasing their damage dealt by 60% for 4s.

Gaiac Hymn

Xura exhorts the City's Defenders with ancient hymns to Gaia, increasing their Attack by 15%.

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Tips from Greg

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