Rarity rarity_img Legendary
Class class_img Infantry
Sub Class sub_class_img Combat
Attack 7901
Def 10300
Health 154511
Attack 940.75%
Defense 940.75%



Magnus is one of those rare heroes who can confidently claim to have defeated an ice dragon den with his bare hands, tamed the untamable Beast of the Abyss, and single-handedly beat back an entire legion with a pistol and three mud-filled socks. Read all about it and more in Magnus' hot-selling autobiographical series "The Adventures of Magnus the Magnificent", which are allegedly "based on true events". Indeed, Magnus is already more myth than man in the eyes of countless youngsters all over the Tundra.
Sadly, Magnus has yet to confirm or deny which happenings in his "autobiographical" series are actually true events. By contrast, famed explorer Bahiti has on several occasions publicly described Magnus' claims as "99% bunk" and the work of an "average explorer who for all of his skills remains no more than that".

Bahiti and Magnus' testy public relationship was not always so heated. On at least one occasion the present-day foes saved each other's lives.
Explorers to the end, Bahiti and Magnus once found themselves holed up in the ruins of an ancient city. Argument over finder's rights quickly gave way to panic on seeing an approaching mercenary group. Surrounded on all sides by ancient buildings that were either crumbling or riddled with traps, they formed an uneasy but effective alliance. Even Bahiti admitted it probably saved their lives—proving Magnus must have at least some skill. Their only regret? What little treasure they retrieved had not been worth the taking.
Sadly, this brief friendship soon crumbled under Bahiti's renewed mockery of "Magnus the Magnificent's tall tales", who returned to defending himself against Bahiti's "conspiracy of skepticism".

Magnus' obsession with becoming the best explorer of his age must be traced back to his parents' legacy. Although ordinary hunters in their time, the couple always claimed to be descendants of the world's mightiest pioneers, and were convinced the same heroic blood flowed through their son's veins. It was not long before Magnus began to adopt the look and characteristics of his imagined ancestors—with swashbuckling style and heroic exaggeration. Mockery from other children had no effect.
Of course, Magnus is not just a speaker of words but a doer also, who by vigorous training almost backs up the boasts of his youth. Unfortunately, his exaggerations have expanded with age too. As summed up by Jesse: "Whatever you might say about Magnus, there's no denying his many stories have brought joy to countless kids."

Magnus' impressive list of ancestors include a famous adventurer who explored the seven seas, every continent, priceless archaeological ruins and ancient treasures beyond number. Not even the autobiographical version of Magnus has done that. The only achievement his ancestral pioneer left incomplete? Reaching the edge of the world.
Not to be outdone, Magnus has publicly sworn to fulfill his ancestor's unfinished dream by planting his family crest on the very edge of our planet. This great feat, he has declared, shall be performed come what may—even if, as some have warned, the Earth is actually round.

Stars | Tiers Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6 Total
1 1 2 2 2 2 20
5 5 5 5 5 15 40
15 15 15 15 15 40 115
40 40 40 40 40 100 300
100 100 100 100 100 100 600
  • Hall of Heroes
Frozen Fury

Magnus whirls twin axes, taunting nearby enemies to attack while dealing Attack*60/66/72/78/84% damage to the same foes every 0.5 seconds for 3 seconds.

Wind Tomahawk

Magnus targets a hero with a devastating ax throw, reopening old wounds that deal a further Attack*50/55/60/65/70% damage for 3 seconds on top of Attack*100/110/120/130/140% initial damage.


Magnus' normal attacks have a 30% chance of sundering opponent armor, dealing Attack*50/55/60/65/70% additional damage and reducing Defense by 5/10/15/20/25% for 2 seconds.


Magnus rouses his troops with brutal intensity, boosting friendly Troop Attack by 5/10/15/20/25%.

Iron Phalanx

A master of tight formations, Infantry under Magnus' command enjoy a 40% chance of gaining 10/20/30/40/50% Defense when attacking for 1 turn.


Magnus' intrepid adventuring skills provide a 2/4/6/8/10% reduction in damage versus friendly Infantry while boosting friendly Marksmen damage by 2/4/6/8/10%.

Attack 1600
Def 2088
Health 31319
Lethality 232%
Health 232%
Storm Axe

Heroic Stock

A true son of the tundra, Magnus' iron constitution reduces incoming damage by 15% while increasing Frozen Fury's Defense bonus by 75%.

Valoric Inspiration

Ever the raconteur, Magnus' tales of Valhalla and ancient heroics inspires Defender Squads with 15% increased Health.

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Tips from Greg

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