1 Basics
- Chiefs get points by winning challenges but don’t lose points if a challenge fails.
- Chiefs will not gain points from a defensive victory but lose points after a defensive loss.
- Chiefs will get more points if they beat opponents that have the equal or more arena points.
- Rewards are calculated and sent out at 00:00 server time.
- Rewards are sent out daily and weekly based on your ranking.
- Chiefs get five free challenge attempts and can buy an additional five attempts with gems.
2 Heroes
- Different Heroes counter each other based on their class.
- Infantry class does an extra 10% damage to Lancers.
- Lancer class does an extra 10% damage to Marksmen.
- Marksman class does an extra 10% damage to Infantry.
- Only Hero exploration skills are active in arena.
3 Tactics
- Battle order and troop type matter massively and can be used to counter the enemy. (Anecdotal and personal evidence: I have lost to someone with the same heroes I had; with 1 M power below me; just because of lineups and battle order. Play around with lineups and have fun; it really does matter more than some of you might think)
- Try to battle close to 00:00 server time, as defensive losses are less likely.
- Infantry should generally be in the front, but there are scenarios where the opposite could be just as good.
- Try to battle opponents with more or equal arena points & make sure to check out the enemy’s heroes before battle.
4 Lineups
- F2P: Sergey, Jessie, Bahiti, Molly, Gina
- P2W: Jeronimo, Natalia, Molly, Bahiti, Zinman
- P2W Gen 2: Flint, Natalia, Molly, Alonso, Philly
- Check out Lineup Guide For Exploration for more info on this
5 Arena Shop
- Saving up for the mythic hero gear chest should be your absolute priority!
- Epic hero gear chest and General shards are the next best option.