
SVS – State Of Power


State of power or we called State Vs State have 4 phases :
1 Matchmaking Phase
2 Preparation Phase
3 Battle Phase
4 Field Triage Phase
Able to check detailed rules, opponent info, start time, and reward detail. This phase happen in 2 days (saturday and sunday). First day system will calculate your overall state power and will be matched with similar state. The second day you will find out who your opponent in SVS will be.
Matchmaking will consider comprehensive factors such as state power, state battle records and activeness.
Complete missions to win points for your state. The state with the higher total points at the end Prep Phase will gain State Bonus and battle phase will be held within the state with lower point. The following are the missions for the preparation phase :
Preparation Day 1
Preparation Day 2
Preparation Day 3
Preparation Day 4
Preparation Reward each day remain same :
Personal Ranking Rewards
Alliance Ranking Rewards  (screenshot 1 Picture 3 and 4)
All alliance member get this rewards
On day 6 (10:00 utc) the winners of the preparation phase will be revealed, here are the rewards:
Winner Rewards
Runner-up Rewards
Individual Total Ranking Rewards
Rank top 150 on the total personal ranking to obtain hero shard of state season
Alliance Total Ranking Rewards
Note : You will not be eligible for the rewards if you leaves the alliance. If you want make Mega Alliance better doing before preparation begin.
  • The state with higher total points at the end of preparation phase will gain state bonus and battle phase will held within the state with lower total points.
  • The state with higher total points will attack opponent sunfire castle, on the otherside sunfire of the attacker will be protected an can not be attacked.
  • In this phase, player from both side may enter the opposing state to battle with the opposing player. Provided that the different in furnance level both side not greater than 3, you will gain points for enemy elimated or own injured. example my furnance level is 30 so i can attack level 30 29 28 27 and and can be attacked by level FC 3, FC 2, FC 1, 30, 29, 28, 27 lv furnance When rallying, the furnance level of rally captain will be considered. When there are reinforcements on the battlefield, then the furnance level of the assisted will be considered.
  • When cross state begins the position perks of both side will be cleared
  • Cross state teleporter ignores the alliance territory limitations means you can port wherever you want.
  • Both side are unable to attack opposing alliance building (HQ & Banner) so if you doesn’t have enough shield you can send your troops to banner or HQ
  • If the turrets and sunfire castle are conreolled by alliance from same state, then the turrets will not attack the sunfire castle.
  • If attacker wins, the leader of the alliance that occupies the sunfire castle may appoint themselves or an ally as the SUPREME PRESIDENT for the two state. The presidency of the loser for that round will be vacant till next sunfire battle on their state.
  • Participate in the battle for sunfire and turrets will obtain more points.
Battle Phase score
 The following are the prizes that will be obtained after the battle phase ends:
 Winner Rewards
 Runner-up Rewards
Personal Rankings Rewards
Rank top 50 on the total personal ranking to obtain a fancy luxurious City Skin
Alliance Ranking Rewards

4 Field Triage Phase

  • You may revive some lost troops (other can’t be revived) in the battle phase at base rate of 30% up to 90%.
  • Request Revival Assistance from allies or use revival potion to increase the revival rate. Each revival potion increase revival rat by 1% up to 10%.
  • Each revival assistance costs rebirth tomes (can only be use to assist allies)and increases the revival rate 1%
  • The number of revived troops is based on the losses stated in the battle report at battle phase.


  • 10% using gems/diamond (potion using 2.250: 50+100+150+200+250+300+300+300+300+300)
  • 50% from rebirth tomes (each player has 20 Rebirth tome than you can shares to other player and you need 50 rebirth tomes from other by sending request revival to your alliance chat)
Each playes have 20 Rebirth Tomes
My assumption is that there will be a State of Power store where you can exchange Sunfire tokens for a number of items, one of which is:
Sunfire Token
State Power Shop
You can get exclusive item from state power shop if you win the event
All skin item only have 7days activation
Name plate
March skin


Screenshots 2

Tips & Guides

  • Battle Phase Information

Cross-State portal open at 10 UTC If you not online on that time using shield first is better choice, to reduce getting rss lost and troops

Sunfire castle battle begin at 12 UTC the battle will take place in a defeated state in the preparation phase. as usual sunfire castle will be held 6 hours battle

It’s possible to attack castles controlled by alliances from the same state, but the whole point of svs is for one state to come together and coordinate against the opposing state… so why fight over each other if you can share with each other?
This one can recognized you as same state player

Personaggio del gioco

Tips from Greg

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Edited 11 times
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Outside Contributors

[S115] WhyBanditWhylink of calculator for preparation phase
KingPicture with recommandation for preparation phase

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