
Server Timeline – Server Age



Rough server schedule:

Server schedules can vary! This timeline is only a rough outline.

  • Gen 1 – 0 days
  • Gen 2 – 40 days
  • Sunfire Castle – 54 days
  • Pet Gen 1 – 55 days
  • Fire Crystal – 60 days
  • Pet Gen 2 – 78 days
  • SVS – 80 days (after 12 weeks, a server becomes eligible for SvS matchmaking)
  • Pet Gen 3 – 100/120 days
  • Gen 3 – 120 days (60-80 days after Gen 2)
  • Fire crystal 5 = Fire crystal lab – 150 days (1 month after Gen 3 release)
  • Gen 4 – 200 days (60-80 days after Gen 3, 30-50 days after Fire Crystal 5)
  • War Tech Academy – 230 days (1 month after Gen 4 releases)
  • Gen 5 – 280 days (60-80 days after Gen 4, 30-50 days after War Tech Academy)
  • Fire Crystal 8 – 330 days (45 to 60 days after Gen 5)
  • Gen 6 – 360 days (60-80 days after Gen 5)
  • Gen 7 – 440 days (uncertain for now)

How to calculate the age of your server:

Here are 3 ways to calculate the age of your server. Generally speaking, “VIP login days” is the easiest and most reliable if you meet the criteria.

    1. VIP login days:
      If you (1) joined the server shortly after it was created, (2) and logged in every day to claim your VIP points -> you can use your VIP login days as a fairly accurate estim

  1. Monument Tasks
    Open your monument and look for the date on the Beast Hunt tasks. The date shown minus 6 days should give a good estimate of when your server was created. You can then use a calculator or online tools to find out how many days it’s been since that date


  1. Using Sunfire Castle Timing
    If your server is a bit older and you have had at least one Sunfire battle, you can use this method. Go to the “Battle History” and “Hall of Fame” and check the date of the first president. The formula you can use is. Date of first President to date + 54 days  

Keep in mind that these calculations are just rough estimates and won\’t give you a 100% accurate date. However, they should give you a good idea of how much time is left before new content is available.


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