
Fishing Tournament


Fishing Tournament



  • How to Fish
  • Frost prospect
  • Missions
  • Sunken Treasure Hunt
  • Leadboard
  • Collection
  • Packs
  • Double Fishing & Extra Points
  • The event “Fishing Tournament” will be found 1 time a month and each month will have a different season than the previous month
  • Example: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn.
  • In which you can find different types of fish, divers and crates containing items


How to Fish

  • To fish, just drag your finger across the screen trying to get as deep as possible. When our hook has reached its maximum depth or has touched the obstacles several times, it will return to the surface.
  • Every 3 hours we will have a new fishing attempt.
  • By collecting with the hook everything we can we will get points with which we can go to upgrade our fishing equipment ,up to level 10 maximum.

  • In addition, we can buy items at a cost of 300 gems each to improve our fishing experience
  • The reel stabilizer us to withstand up to 4 shocks
  • The lantern allows us to see beyond the depth of 300 meters
  • The ocean scanner will warn us if there are rare fish in the vicinity
  • If you don’t use these items, you can save them for the next fishing event


Frost Prospect

  • Through a special map we will be able to enter the prospect of frost where we will have more chances to find fish, objects and rare divers.
    Every day we will be able to redeem a free map to access the Frost Prospectus.
  • In the Frost Prospect we will always have the fishing equipment at the maximum level even if in normal fishing we have not yet had time to upgrade it to Lv 10.
  • If you don’t use these item, you can save it for the next fishing event



  • Every day, with the points earned from fishing, we will be able to complete missions that update at the daily reset


  • Get 250 Fishing Points: 1X100 Enhancement XP Component, 1X5K Hero XP, 2X5Min General Speedup
  • Get 500 Fishing Points: 1X100 Enhancement XP Component, 2X5K Hero XP, 2X5Min General Speedup
  • Get 1000 Fishing Points: 1X100 Enhancement XP Component, 3X5K Hero XP, 4X5Min General Speedup
  • Get 1500 Fishing Points: 1X100 Enhancement XP Component, 2X10K Hero XP, 4X5Min General Speedup
  • Get 2000 Fishing Points: 1 Lucky Hero Gear Chest, 1X100 Enhancement XP Component, 3X10K Hero XP, 6X5Min General Speedup

Sunken Treasure Hunt

  • Once we have increased to lv 10 all our fishing equipment we can with the points earned from fishing play in the “Sunken Treasure Hunt” mode, we just need to pay 1500 points to be able to have the chance to win excellent prizes.



    • Every point we get by fishing will be added up to draw up an overall ranking, at the end of the event




  • During the fishing event you can collect fish, treasures, items and divers.
  • Once the collection is completed, for each category we can get a rotten skin, furnace, Avatar frame, Nameplate as a reward.

  • Through the horn of Poseidon it is possible to choose the fish to appear while we fish to have the opportunity to catch it



  • It is possible to buy the event pass with which we can get many excellent rewards and also get useful items for fishing, It also allows us to get extra points when we fish.

  • In addition, you can also buy packs containing only fishing items


Double Fishing & Extra Points

  • You can earn extra points at the end of a fishing trip by using the Icefisher Voucher

  • You can make a multiplied fishing cast to speed up your gaming experience, using the x2 x3 x4 x5 cast. You can only do this when you reach the maximum level of your fishing equipment. In addition, if you want to use gadgets (lantern, ocean scanner, reel stabilizer) you have to use as many as you need according to the multiplier selected.


Tips & Guides

1st, Max your kit
Kit Upgrade
1. Line : Upgrade to boost maximum line depth. (Lv. 10 Line : 550m)
2. Hook : Upgrade to boost maximum haul. (Lv. 10 Hook : 20)
3. Sinker : Upgrade to boost starting depth. (Lv. 10 Sinker : 165)

Upgrade Line-Hook as priority and upgrade sinker if become required.

2. Special Items
1. Icefish Voucher : Grants a 1.5 [Fishing Token] and [Fishing Points] bonus for the rounds.
2. Horn of Poseidon : Use the Horn of Poseidon to summon a designated fish species, and a guaranteed catch.
3. Reel Stabilizer : A stabilizer prevents your line from retracing if you accidentally bump into a fish during descent. (Protection +2)
4. Ocean Scanner : Monitor nearby fish and tells you the direction and distance to the rare species around
5. Lantern : Depth reaching 300m are considered deep ocean, lantern illuminates the surroundings.

3. Guide Type
– Fish Guide (150) -> Treasure Stronghold (Permanent), Furnace Skin, Effect: Troops Attack +2.0%
– Diver Guide (10) -> Ice Journey (Permanent), March Skin, Effect: Solo Hunting March Speed +5.0%
– Chest Guide (10) -> Romance of Sailors (Permanent), Nameplate, Effect: None
– Memorabilia Guide (60) -> Romance of Sailors (Permanent) Avatar Frame, Effect: Troops Defense + 2.0%

By collecting this, you will get the skin, you can see the image in above.

4. Season
There is 4 Season, which followed by Sprint-Autumn-Summer-Winter, so catch the following fish that unique drops.

5. Bait
In the art of fish, you will need a bait, the bait will generate 1 new bait, every 3 hours. and have 10 as capacity.

6. Master Fisher Leaderboard
By fishing you get Fishing Points, in this you can win the 30days skin.

7. Ice Fishing Club
By fishing, you get Fishing tokens. in this you can win special items and if you buy the packs, you can get benefit +20% XP Points and Tokens.

8. Fishing Stage

8.1 Ice Fishing

Now, let’s move on to the exciting part – the Fishing Stage! We’ll start off with the fantastic world of Ice Fishing. In this stage, you’ll be able to enjoy a captivating video of the Ice Fishing gameplay, giving you a firsthand glimpse of the fun that awaits you. So, get ready to experience the thrill of this gameplay mode!

8.2 Frosty Prospector

In Frosty Prospector, you have the opportunity to catch special fish and discover sunken chests that are exclusive to this mode. Unlike in the regular Ice Fishing (8.1), all your gear is automatically set to the maximum level, which is level 10. This generous setup is the reason I managed to score 550m, with 20 Bait at my disposal, and a descent capability of 165m.

You can get Frosty Prospector by buy pack or buy Ice Fishing Club Packs.

9. What happen after event ended?
Your Guidebooks won’t get reset, as long you already catch it will be saved and you can catch the unique fish from another season to catch all of them.

10. When the event come again?
This event is 1 Month each, with 7-day duration to play.

Personaggio del gioco

Tips from Greg

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