Here is how to properly use the drill camps, to access them, when you are in your base, click on the héros category as in the photo

The 5 heroes at the top are the heroes that I improve, these are the heroes who will determine the level of the other heroes. they will be selected automatically, each time it is the heroes with the highest level. as shown on the screen, here is a hero whose basic level has been improved, to start it must be reset, for that you go to drill camp, then level reset, reset the heroes except those who serve as upgrade leaders for the others.

When you go to reset levels, you will recover the exp used, and it will therefore be returned to the base level.
For your hero who is at the base level to have the same level as the 5 leader heroes, you must go to the category level drills and click on the + and select the hero you want to put and validated.

And here is your hero has the same level as the other heroes