
Bear Hunt


After the goal of kindling embers is achieved, alliances can build the hunting trap to hunt the raging bear.

The hunting event can be activated by R4/R5 every two days. And once the event is opened, all the members will only have 30 minutes to defeat the raging bear.

An alliance can summon the bear every 47.5 hrs. If a player changes alliances they are able to participate 46 hours after they last participated in the event.

Your rewards will get better the more damage your troops are able to do to it.

You can get arrowheads from looting beasts around the map which can be used to upgrade the damage dealt to the bear by 25% (max lvl5).

Note: Only lvl5 + alliance can build the event building.


Collapse Table
Damage Rewards
0-2.5k 20 1.1k 495.5k 495.5k 99k 25k
2.5k-5k 20 2.15k 991.5k 991.5k 198.5k 50k
5k-8k 20 3.25k 1.4m 1.4m 297.5k 75k
8k-12k 30 4.35k 1.9m 1.9m 396.5k 100k
12k-27.5k 30 5.45k 2.4m 2.4m 495.5k 125k
27.5k-62.5k 40 9.5k 4.3m 4.3m 867.5k 218.5k
62.5k-145k 40 13.6k 6.1m 6.1m 1.2m 312.5k
145k-325k 50 17.6k 8m 8m 1.6m 406k
325k-745k 2 60 21.7k 9.9m 9.9m 1.9m 499.5k
 745k-1.7m 2 70 25.8k 11.7m 11.7m 2.3m 593.5k
1.7m-3.9m 3 80 29.9k 13.8m 13.8m 2.7m 687k
3.9m-8.9m 4 90 33.9k 15.4m 15.4m 3m 781k
8.9m-20.5m 5 100 38k 17.3m 17.3m 3.4m 874.5k
20.5m-47m 6 100 42.1k 19.2m 19.2, 3.8m 968.5k
47m-90m 7 100 46.1k 21m 21m 4.2m 1m
90m-175m 8 200 51k 23.2m 23.2m 4.6m 1.1m
175m-330m 9 200 55.9k 25.5m 25.5m 5.1m 1.2m
330m-635m 10 200 60.8k 27.7m 27.7m 5.5m 1.3m
635m-1.2b 11 300 65.7k 29.9m 29.9m 5.9m 1.5m
1.2b-2.4b 12 300 70.6k 32.2m 32.2m 6.4m 1.6m
2.4b-4.8b 13 400 75k 34.1m 34.1m 6.8m 1.7m
4.8b-9.6b 14 400 80k 35.8m 35.8m 7.1m 1.7m
9.6b-19.2b 15 500 85k 37.5m 37.5m 7.5m 1.8m
19.2b-38.4b 16 500 90k 39.4m 39.4m 7.8m 1.9m
38.4b-99.9b 17 600 95k 41.4m 41.4m 8.2m 2m

Tips & Guides

Rally Captain Heroes

The stats and skills of all 3 heroes the rally captain uses are taken into account in the fight. The expedition skills of some heroes are better suited for rallies compared to others.

Natalia has 2 expedition skills that increase your troops stats. 25% attack and 25% damage. Natalia’s widget also improves damage dealt by 30% and lethality (damage) by 15%. This gives Natalia a fixed 95% bonus towards your troops’ damage output.

Molly is similar to Natalia and has 1 chance skill and 1 guaranteed skill that will boost your troops. The chance skill has a 50% chance of your troops doing 50% extra damage. The other skill is a fixed 25% bonus damage. Molly has almost the same widget bonuses as Natalia, which is damage dealt increased by 30%. This gives Molly a fixed 55% bonus and a 50% chance of getting 105% towards your troops’ damage output.

Alonso has just 1 chance skill which has a 50% chance of increasing troop damage by 50%. His widget also gives a 15% lethality (damage) bonus. This gives Alonso a fixed 15% bonus and 50% chance of getting 65% towards your troops’ damage output.

On top of all the expedition skills from heroes there is your overall stats which includes; chief gear, charms, hero gear and alliance attack% facilities. If you want to go all out you can activate a war buff for more lethality.

The goggles and boots hero gear slots have stats that increase your lethality (damage) of the troop type the hero represents, for example Natalia is an Infantry hero. Make sure your best gear is on these 3 heroes mentioned above.


Joining a rally

When setting your formation you will see that the first hero slot is lighter than the other 2. This is because when you join someone else’s rally, the first hero you pick is the one whose first (top right) expedition skill will be used in the rally bonus line-up.

There are only 3 heroes that have an increase damage skill as their first expedition skill and they are Jessie, Jasser, and Jeronimo, increasing troop damage by 25%.

As mentioned earlier, all the heroes and stats of the captain take effect but also so do 4 other heroes from those who join the rally. The 4 heroes that will have their expedition skill picked will be based on the level of their skill. For example; a level 5 skill will be used over a level 4 skill.

To view what your rally setup looks like, open the rallies page and click on the yellow flag on the top right corner of the list of players. This will then give you a full breakdown of all the captains percentage stats and if you scroll to the bottom it will show all heroes skills, including the 4 selected teammates heroes too.

The bonus of Jessie, Jasser, and Jeronimo’s expedition skill stack with others so to maximise your damage output make sure to send them to the strongest rally. If you have 4 of them together, that then gives you a 100% damage bonus!

The simplest way to ensure you have only Jessie in the chosen 4 is to have all members send Jessie to the rally.

If you have already sent your Jessie formation out to someone else and you are trying to join another strong rally but don’t want to ruin the Jessie line-up then you have 2 options. If your first expedition skill of your first pick hero is level 4 or lower then you will not replace someone else’s level 5 Jessie.

Additional tips for setting up for the bear trap

As you would have read, the first expedition skill of the far left hero in the line-up would be included in the rally help bonus. Out of everyone who joins the rally, the 4 with the highest skill level will be used. To ensure you can do it correctly and quickly, do the following:

1.Save some formations!

Formation 1 – Make sure Jessie expedition skill is level 5. Put Jessie first (far left) and then 2 random heroes. make sure you have all hero slots filled so you can send the max number of troops to the rally.
Formation 2 – Rally captain. All expedition skills of the 3 heroes the captain uses take effect in the battle. Save the formation of Natalia, Molly and Alonso. They have a high boost to your troops stats.
Formation 3 – As you have already sent Jessie out to a strong team, you don’t want to put a hero in that would kick out someone else’s Jessie. Use any blue hero first and then 2 random heroes to fill the slots. As long as others Jessie is lvl5 skill, theirs will be chosen. If you choose any other epic/mythic hero in your first slot there is a high chance you will take the spot of a Jessie.
Formation 4 – Repeat Formation 3 with another blue hero.
Any heroes left after these 4 formations will fill your last rally. If you have a 6th March slot it would be without any heroes – troops only, until you unlock more heroes in the future.

2.Have the rally window open!
As you know, the fastest people join the rally first. If you are waiting for a message to popup in the alliance chat for a rally being created, there is that short delay of loading across to it and then you have to click the little green + in the top right corner to add your team. Don’t do this! Instead, already be in the rally page which lists all the teams. New ones will be created at the bottom of the list so keep scrolling down to refresh. You can send your formation much faster with the big green + on the main page.


Position of the player by distance

Position of the player by distance

Position of the player by distance

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Tips from Greg

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