February Developer Feedback

March 4, 2025

Developer Feedback: February

Welcome to the tundra, everyone! Thank you for your continued support and trust. We are committed to optimizing your gaming experience and resolving any issues you encounter.

In this Q&A session, we’ll dive into the latest trending topics and share our approaches to addressing the issues. Let’s build an even better home in this frosty world together.

Q: The 46-hour cooldown after each Bear Hunt participation is quite inconvenient. It’d be great if we had the flexibility to choose the Trap we want to participate in without being limited by a fixed schedule.
A: That’s: a great suggestion! We will optimize cooldowns in an upcoming update, giving you greater flexibility.

Q: I plan to transfer after State of Power ends. However, since my State currently has no President, I’ve been automatically assigned as the acting President due to being the previous President, which prevents me from transferring.
A: Thanks for your feedback! We’ll address this issue by allowing the acting President to transfer the presidency to another qualified Chief within the same Alliance. Once the Chief accepts the presidency, the previous acting President will be able to transfer to another State.

Q: After upgrading my Luminari Citadel to the max level, I’ve accumulated a lot of the same decorations from The Labyrinth, but they can’t be converted into other items.
A: Your feedback is much appreciated! We’ll work on this issue by allowing you to convert your extra Luminari Citadels into other items in the Daybreak Island Shop. Stay tuned!

Q: I’ve bought everything available in Skin Shop. Please release more items!
A: Got it! We plan to add a new Daybreak Island Decoration to Skin Shop soon.

Q: I’ve got some Marks of Valor in my Backpack, but they currently have no use. Please provide ways for us to spend them.
A: Thanks for your suggestion! In an upcoming update, we plan to display all your redeemable Marks of Valor in your Backpack, making it easier for you to use them.

Thank you for your awesome feedback! We look forward to hearing more from our loyal players!
Disclaimer: The feedback and solutions provided here are not final and are subject to change.

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